I want to have laser hair removal on my beard & microdermabbrasion on my face. Which should be done first? or does it even matter? I would like to hear from laser hair removal Maryland someone who actually knows so please don't guess.Thanks
Answer:Are you asking about doing them back to back in the same day? The answer to that is that you shouldn't. If you are asking about doing laser hair removal Maryland one treatment regimen and then the second, I would recommend doing LHR first so that the hair is removed and the microdermabrasion won't cause ingrown hairs and the hair won't get in the way of the microderm treatment. If it is back to back, laser hair removal Maryland and you feel you hav e to do it, hit the microderm first and then go with the LHR because the removal of the pigmented skin may help you to get a better LHR treatment results. The attached sites should help.
Answer:You should get microdermabrasion first and the laser removal second. While the laser removal will not cause your skin to be laser hair removal Maryland visually irritated, it will be somewhat so having microdermabrasion over that may be a little bit painful.
Answer:Information on both processes is given below. Whichever you do first, you should probably wait a sufficient time period to avoid skin complications.