If that is the only way how much does it cost and what is the procedure for the surgery and is there any pain? thank you
Answer:There are two ways to effectively remove hair, electrolysis and laser. Of the two, only electrolysis laser hair removal Maryland is really considered permanent. Laser is very effective, but it depends on your hair color and skin color.If you have dark hair and light skin, go for laser. It is much easier, faster and less painful. It will remove most of your hair, but may not remove laser hair removal Maryland all of your hair. You can try buying a home laser hair removal system. It laser hair removal Maryland is much less expensive than going to a professional. The best home laser hair removal system is called Silkn.If you have dark skin or light hair, consider electrolysis. It is more painful a nd it takes a very long time. But electrolysis will permenently remove your hair.
Answer:Laser hair removal is the only permanent hair removal that I know of. The cost can vary depending on where you go, but it is usually several hundred dollars a treatment, and you need several treatments in order for it laser hair removal Maryland to work. So all together your looking at several thousand dollars. It can also be pretty painful. As for how you will feel about it, well I don't know your tolerance for pain. But its a laser that litterally burns the hair, and the hole the hair grows out of.
Answer:I had that done on my back laser hair removal Maryland and most of the hair has grown back. I spent $2000 for the treatments and yes it hurt like hell. It zaps every single hair one at a time.
Answer:take a look at this