Thursday, April 9, 2009

laser hair removal Maryland: Dose laser hair removal really work as a permanent solution?

I found this site, hope it helps!

Answer:Yep after a few sessions you wont have hair grow back there ever...It kills the actual hair follicle which the hair grows from...

Answer:Usually yes.

Answer:Yes provided it is a laser and not IPL(Intense laser hair removal Maryland Pulsed Light). It takes several treatments as the hair grows at different stages and does cost quite a lot but it will - or should - be permanent at the end of the treatments.

Answer:i know a lady who does laser hair removal Maryland laser hair removal surgery and it does work however you have to go to the surgery 4-6 times after you have had you first laser removal to make sure the hair is removed and it can be quite costly.but after that then you are hair free!
< br/>Answer:I think it does, but it takes repeated sessions for it to be effective and costs a lot of money :/

Answer:oh surely yes.