Friday, June 26, 2009

laser hair removal Maryland: Will laser hair removal still work if your on your period?

please site the source thanks.

Answer:Yes, it will work. There is no specific source to answer your question, but the time laser hair removal Maryland of the month has nothing to do with the effectiveness of laser hair removal because those two things are not related in any way. :)

Answer:i don't think think it will really work anyways....i really think it may grow back and it may even burn your some reading about it first...

Answer:Laser hair laser hair removal Maryland removal will
work any time of the month. You just have to have the hair there and shaved (not plucked) and it will work.Remember, though, that only 30% of your hair follicles are active at any one time, so it takes many sessions to get most of them and laser hair removal Maryland you'll probably never get them all. You'l l probably need touch-ups with electrolysis to get the really stubborn ones.

Answer:Yes. I have gone through the removal process and had no problems.

Answer:Laser hair removal is "permanent" hair removal method but is expensive and you have to find a trained professional, otherwise your skin could be damaged. A review of the various hair removal methods is available at